Here Are 11 Things I Want To Tell My One-Year-Old Son

The following was syndicated from Medium for The Fatherlike Forum, a community of parents and influencers with insights approximately run, family, and life. If you'd like to join the Forum, drop us a line at

Hey Tap,

You're napping at Kiki and Papa T's house. IT's non your usual speckle, thus I'm right here next to you. I've got my phone and some time to kill. Instead of playing Hearthstone (a friggin amazing plot; my favorite separate is Warlock), I'm authorship to you. Perchance you'll read this someday.

1. You're a peaceful sleeper. I'm watching your chest of drawers climb up and fall, and it reminds me of seeing ocean waves gently roll in and out. I can buoy well-nig hear them. Wait. No, I definitely hear them. It's the white disturbance app.

2. You are free to make your own opinions and beliefs regarding all things except this: Pixar is a studio of magic and wonder, and Ratatouille is its best movie.

3. I get paid to write, and I also bask penning for play. Cool, rightist? I should as wel tell apart you that I have other projects in head that I'm too scared to even pop out.

4. I preceptor't know. I tell myself, later another 9-to-5 full with thousands of words, that I need a break from writing. But really, that's just an excuse that handily silences my fears of failure and rejection.

5. You're not even so 2 years old, but I can already see your heart. It's a really good one. I am so proud of you, and I'm so excited to witness the boy and man you become. I will never fthm how you got here. You were nil, Mom and Dad had some fun, and so you were real. A slight combination of the 2 of us, but mostly uniquely you. What a trip.

6. I've been battling a dull, persistent sense of uncertainty and dread at the state of our world. Coincidentally, this feeling started when you were foaled. This overwhelming need to protect is probably something that happens to every parent, but information technology feels a bit unusual to me. The laid back person I thought I was disappeared when you showed up.

I'm a legend and a superhero in your eyes. Someday I won't be, but that's fine. For now, I am.

7. I wish you to be variety to everyone, especially to people you don't know yet. Information technology's unbelievable how many powerful, influential people screw this prepared. Aught is at the same time believed in and ignored quite like The Golden Rule.

8. There are certain things that allow us to feel closer to God. Mom's is nature. Specifically, lying under a tree and consummate up through the canopy. Mine is medicine. Specifically, the guitar alone in "Comfortably Numb" or "An Ocean In Betwixt The Waves" or "Hitch A Rag." I wonder what yours volition personify. I also think it's bananas that everyone's is different.

9. All morning, you stand up in your crib, look out the window, point at the backyard and shout out "Papa AH-Haymow." Translation: Dad mows the lawn. Your small brain simply cannot traverse information technology. I'm a legend and a superhero in your eyes. Someday I won't be, merely that's okay. For now, I am.

10. I think that's why I'm pendant impossible next to you and penning you a varsity letter. I'm untruthful in the bedroom I grew up in, but alternatively of listening to Blink-182 and trying not to suck at girls, I'm observation my boy breathe. The equal corporeal space is now totally different, and the only argue is time. I am very conscious of the fact that you will before long have got your own life sentence and loves and obligations. This memory I've successful past watching you is better than literally anything other I could have done with this clock time.

11. You've been passed out for 2 hours thus far. Beautiful good! I'll wrap this up. I still can't believe you'Ra real, and I ne'er will. Make mistakes, ask questions, love others. Whatever happens, I'm next to you.

Luke Prayser is a professional copywriter and amateur everything else.


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